I have been neglecting this page of late, which is something that I wish to remedy. I have been quite busy teaching and taking care of other bits and pieces but I did get a chance to recently visit the University of Bordeaux in order to present some of my work at le SCRIME (Creation and Research Studio in Computer Science and Experimental Music).
This was a great opportunity to work in their Hemicyclia and see their impressive 3D dome, a hemispherical array of speakers. In addition to presenting some older fixed media pieces, I composed a piece especially for the trip entitled Bolides (to be available on this website very soon).
Unfortunately, the 3D dome was under maintenance at the time of my visit so I did not get to take full advantage of the ambisonic potential of the dome coupled with the supercollider-based 3D spatialisation software MOSCA. I did, however, get to diffuse my works in the Hemicyclia which features an impressive array of loudspeakers.
A massive thanks to Thibaud Keller, Gordon Delap, at all at le SCRIME for facilitating the visit, which was made possible with funding from the Irish Research Council as part of the Ulysses award.